Էջ:A practical dictionary Armenian English.djvu/486

Այս էջը սրբագրված է

ՑՑԵԼ, va. to thrust down, to drive in : to sink to the bottom: to break in.
ՑՑՈՒԻԼ, vn. to bristle, to bristle up, to stand on end, to stand erect.t[breaking in.
ՑՑՈՒՄ, n. sinking down,
ՑՑՈՒՆ, a. salient.
ՑՑՈՒՆՔ (սօրզուճ), n. aigret, egret, or aigrette, tuft or plume (of feathers etc.): crest of the peacock). [budding.
ՑՑՈՒՈՒՄ, n. gemmation :
ՑՓՍԻ (սօֆ) n. mohair.
ՑՕՂ, n. dew. —ի շիթ, dew drop.
ՑՕՂԱԹՈՒՐՄ, n. dewy.
ՑՕՂԱՊԱՏ, a. covered with dew: dewy.
Ց0ՂԱՐԱՆ (կանեփը թրջելու աւազան), n. retting pond ; retting-pit.
ՑՕՂԵԼ, va. to make to fall down dew-drops ; to pour out dew ; to bedew : to hed, to spill dew : to sprinkle : to wet, to water.
ՑՕՂՈՒԵԼ, va. to rinse.
ՑՕՂՈՒՆ, n. and a. stem, trunk, body, stalk: dewy, dew-besprent.


Ւ (yune), Thirty fourth letter of the Arm. Alphabet, sometimes vowel and sometimes consonant. seven thousand, seven thousandth.


Փ (pure), Thirty fifth letter of the Arm. alphabet, eight thousand, eight thousandth.
ՓԱԹԱԹԵԼ, ՓԱԹԹԵԼ, va. to wrap up, to do up, to envelop, to pack up, to make up into a bundle.
ՓԱԹԱԹՈՒՄ, ՓԱԹԹՈՒՄ, n. enveloping, wrapping up. envelopment.
ՓԱԹԹՈՑ (սարըֆ) n. turban.
ՓԱԽՈՒՍՏ, n. flight, escape, evasion.
ՓԱԽՉԻԼ, vn. to escape , to make one’s escape, to get away, to fly, to take flight; to run away.
ՓԱԽՉՈՂ, a. flying, fleeing, fugitive: apt to run away.
ՓԱԽՉՏԻԼ, vn. to tergiversate, to shift.
ՓԱԽՉՏՈՒՔ, ՓԱԽՓԽՈՒԿ, n. tergiversation, shift,
ՓԱԽՍՏԱԿԱՆ, ՓԱԽՍՏԵԱՑ, a. and n. fugitive: deserter, run away, turn-coat.