Ւ Գործնական բառարան հայերէն-անգղիերէն

Զ․ Տ․ Ս․ Փափազեան


Փ (pure), Thirty fifth letter of the Arm. alphabet, eight thousand, eight thousandth.
ՓԱԹԱԹԵԼ, ՓԱԹԹԵԼ, va. to wrap up, to do up, to envelop, to pack up, to make up into a bundle.
ՓԱԹԱԹՈՒՄ, ՓԱԹԹՈՒՄ, n. enveloping, wrapping up. envelopment.
ՓԱԹԹՈՑ (սարըֆ) n. turban.
ՓԱԽՈՒՍՏ, n. flight, escape, evasion.
ՓԱԽՉԻԼ, vn. to escape , to make one’s escape, to get away, to fly, to take flight; to run away.
ՓԱԽՉՈՂ, a. flying, fleeing, fugitive: apt to run away.
ՓԱԽՉՏԻԼ, vn. to tergiversate, to shift.
ՓԱԽՉՏՈՒՔ, ՓԱԽՓԽՈՒԿ, n. tergiversation, shift,
ՓԱԽՍՏԱԿԱՆ, ՓԱԽՍՏԵԱՑ, a. and n. fugitive: deserter, run away, turn-coat.